In this episode of the Dentology podcast, Dr. Yewande Oduwole shares her inspiring journey into dentistry with hosts Andy and Chris.

She discusses the influence of her family, her academic achievements, and the challenges she faced in her pursuit of a dental career.

She talks about her time at dental school, her student scholarship from the Afro-Caribbean Dental Association and how this then led her to embarking on a project in Ghana to provide free dental care and oral health education to communities, schools and orphanages.

She also talks about clinical work and the support she now does with the dental student community.

Finally, she shares her secrets to successfully balancing her clinical work alongside her growing social media presence and considers her aspirations for the future.


-          Have you always been ultra-positive and was this instilled in you as a child?

-          Was there a time you can look back on your childhood and say this is why I am the person I am today?

-          How was this in terms of helping you build resilience for what can be a brutal world?

-          Which dental school did you go to and did you enjoy the experience?

-          Tell us about your student scholarship from the Afro-Caribbean Dental Association in your third year of dental school.

-          Tell us about the project in Ghana to provide free dental care and oral health education.

-          Was something missing from your dental school experience that led you down a path of giving back to the student community?

-          How disruptive was Covid for you as someone just finishing their training?

-          What does your typical week look like now?

-          How has social media helped you connect with patients and the profession?

-          Any downsides?

-          What does the future hold for you – ambitions on the business side of dentistry? Ownership?
